…Education will be your most influential tool so get good quality education from a variety of sources…
Understanding your decision diet.

…Education will be your most influential tool so get good quality education from a variety of sources…
…The choices available extend that of just private, public or home birth though…
I came across this blog that evidently I forgot to ever post and decided although it is a year later, I would post it anyway… Confession time; I am the big fat chicken! Before you decode the punchline let me first give you a little history (or Hystery) For a VERY long time now I […]
One of the most helpful and empowering things you can do during your pregnancy, is ask lots of questions to your chosen care provider. However, knowing what questions to ask can be a very curious thing, particularly if this is your first pregnancy or if its going to be your first birth. So how do […]
…one of the rare times as a woman, we can feel like a goddess without making any effort at all to look like one…
As a Doula, I offer non judgemental, un biased information to my clients about pregnancy, labour and birth. I want to clarify the difference between Information, Advice and Opinions. Everybody has access to information, everybody has the ability to give and receive advice and evvvveeerrrybody has opinions on evvveeerrryyything. So how then do we distinguish […]
Shout out to all the supportive men that go into the birthing arena overwhelmed, excited, nervous, confused and protective!
I have this routine I love, when its getting late and all the kids are tucked into bed and I’m starting to feel a little sleepy myself, It always happens, I want toast and tea. (my favourite is local geniuses, zeallybay gluten free sour dough with a rooibos chai latte) It just makes me feel happy on the inside. […]
How do you sell a better birth?? How do you sell yourself as a Doula?? These two questions have had my head in a spin for a little while now. I mean, Birth is free right?? Women birth all day everyday all over the world so why would somebody pay another women to show up […]
As a Doula, it is both necessary and honourable to ‘mother the mother’. What does this even mean? you might ask, well, it means that while a woman is super-heroing like a boss, labouring and delivering her latest addition, I look after her, I nurture her, I accept her without condition, I support her, I […]