Maximizing Your Labour Experience: How a Doula Can Help

Expecting a child can be a beautiful and exciting experience, but it can also come with its own set of challenges. One of the biggest concerns for expectant parents is ensuring a positive birth experience. Fortunately, there is a solution that many parents have found helpful: hiring a doula. This article will explore the ways […]

48 High fives a couple of fist pumps!

man carrying baby drawing their foreheads

In my recent blog So you had a baby, what next?   I talked about how tricky it is to fully prepare for the post partum experience. In my latest blog, I spoke about utilising affirmations during your pregnancy and labour. After supporting so many new families, I noticed there is a common thread of communication […]

A spoonful of Affirmations helps the pessimist go down.

woman in yellow long sleeve shirt and black pants sitting on road

It’s not weird to feel good when we are acknowledged for working hard, a simple Thankyou in those moments is a lovely little spirit lifter.  I think its pretty safe to say that most people would also appreciate it if a bad feeling they had been carrying around, suddenly dissolved and was replaced with a […]

Five ways to get comprehensive answers to all your antenatal questions.

I am going to tell you how to arm yourself for that ultimate baby brain conundrum, but before we get there you need to remember this all important trick…

Birth Story – how one Hypnobirthing couple overcame a cancer scare and navigated their changing birth plans during the COVID19 pandemic.

This beautiful Mama is one of the many who gave birth during this years pandemic. We had to change our plans to respect the new social guidelines. During her early postpartum days she expressed to me her grief over being unable to share her newest little  love with those closest to her, including her family.  […]

There will be no academy award winners here

Mama walking off through her tightenings while she speaks to the midwives. Dad watching in awe and anticipation.

I want birthing women to feel freedom to have whatever emotional reaction they have to their birth and newborn to be normalised….
….Its a beautiful thing to love your birth and to feel an instant deep unwavering connection to your newborn, its also completely normal if you don’t feel that way, at least not in an immediate time frame.  

Surfing through your labour.

When it comes to your labour and birth, don’t be like the tourist who ignores all the lifesaving signs, grabs a board, walks straight in to the rip and wonders why they almost drowned. 

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda

Words hold so much power and we have all felt the effect of their power at some point in time but do we always remember that the words we say hold the same amount of force as the ones we listen too. For a new mama, words can make or break their day.   Three words […]

Choices Choices Choices

…The choices available extend that of just private, public or home birth though…

How do I know what I should know?

One of the most helpful and empowering things you can do during your pregnancy, is ask lots of questions to your chosen care provider. However, knowing what questions to ask can be a very curious thing, particularly if this is your first pregnancy or if its going to be your first birth. So how do […]