The trials and triumphs of one of my beautiful Mama clients. She had a hope, a desire, a plan of action and the tenacity to pull it all together. Her story, her words. Backstory:Jan 2018 induced at 40 weeks due to high BP, very unfavourable cervix. Basically tried all induction methods, cascade of interventions including […]
Category: Motherhood
The reality of being a mother, first time, second time and every time after that
Birth Story – how one Hypnobirthing couple overcame a cancer scare and navigated their changing birth plans during the COVID19 pandemic.
This beautiful Mama is one of the many who gave birth during this years pandemic. We had to change our plans to respect the new social guidelines. During her early postpartum days she expressed to me her grief over being unable to share her newest little love with those closest to her, including her family. […]
Mothering Myself

As a Doula, it is both necessary and honourable to ‘mother the mother’. What does this even mean? you might ask, well, it means that while a woman is super-heroing like a boss, labouring and delivering her latest addition, I look after her, I nurture her, I accept her without condition, I support her, I […]
Feeding from My Breasts

A couple of weeks ago; a friend of mine, that happens to be an absolute gem of a human being, gave birth for the first time to a beautiful baby girl. Neither her pregnancy or her birth went according to her desired plan and she was now getting all sorts of varying advice about breastfeeding […]