There will be no academy award winners here

Mama walking off through her tightenings while she speaks to the midwives. Dad watching in awe and anticipation.

I want birthing women to feel freedom to have whatever emotional reaction they have to their birth and newborn to be normalised….
….Its a beautiful thing to love your birth and to feel an instant deep unwavering connection to your newborn, its also completely normal if you don’t feel that way, at least not in an immediate time frame.  

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda

Words hold so much power and we have all felt the effect of their power at some point in time but do we always remember that the words we say hold the same amount of force as the ones we listen too. For a new mama, words can make or break their day.   Three words […]


…There is no shame to you as a mother for needing time to get to know and love your baby…